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Featured Experts

Below are some outstanding expert women we've hand picked.

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Hanna Zaidi Wealthsimple
Dr. Amanda Bittner Memorial University
Eugenia Addy Visions of Science Network for Learning
Shannon Pestun Pestun Consulting Inc. | The Finance Cafe
Bonnie Brayton DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN) Canada
Headshot of Dr. Aerin Jacob
Dr. Aerin Jacob Nature Conservancy of Canada
Dr. Julia Smith Simon Fraser University
Shastri Ramnath Exiro Minerals Corporation/Orix Geoscience Inc.
Dr. Stella Lee Paradox Learning Inc.
Dr. Dyhia Belhabib Ecotrust Canada
Eyra Abraham Lisnen Inc
Parshati's headshot
Dr. Parshati Patel Institute for Earth and Space Exploration, Western University