Informed Opinions amplifies the voices of women and gender-diverse people to ensure their experiences, ideas and insights help shape a more equitable, inclusive and democratic Canada.

To build a Canada where the perspectives and priorities of women and gender-diverse people influence every important decision that gets made.

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Dr. Dena McMartin

Vice-President Research | University of Lethbridge

Dena McMartin has developed and supported numerous academic and research partnerships within the university and with international partners.

Dr. Marina Bettaglio

Associate Professor | University of Victoria

Dr. Bettaglio's research focuses on contemporary Spanish and Italian cultural studies with a gender perspective.

Andrea Silverstone

CEO | Sagesse Domestic Violence Prevention Society

Domestic violence, abuse, coercive control, intimate partner violence, domestic abuse, sexual violence, primary prevention

Dr. Teresa Kramarz

Professor and Co-Director, Environmental Governance Lab School of the Environment | University of Toronto

International organizations and global governance, with emphasis on global environmental politics. See more at

Siham Rayale

Independent | Research & Development Specialist

Gender, security, transitional justice, women's participation in development projects, women in conflict zones, women in refugee camps, Africa