Mind the (gender) gap: Big data with impact
By Amanda Maxwell 20 June 2019
What image pops into your head when you hear the word ‘expert’ in news stories?

Researchers are tracking the media’s gender gap
By Becky Rynor 11 March 2019
Kathy Abusow has been working in the forestry sector for 30 years.

Looking at the Gender Gap
08 March 2019
Laura Shine spoke with Dylan Black to explain what Informed Opinions is doing to amplify women’s voices so they won’t be under-represented as news sources.

Gender Gap Tracker shows inequality in quoting male and female experts
By Zouhir Al-Shimale and Jacob Granger 20 February 2019
A good piece of journalism relies on talking to experts to capture their insights and experience.

SFU partners with nonprofit to track gender representation in news story sources
By Michelle Gomez 12 February 2019
SFU partnered with nonprofit Informed Opinions to create a Gender Gap Tracker, which tracks “the number of women and men quoted in major news platforms in Canada,” according to SFU News.

Gender Gap Tracker
All in a Day with Alan Neal in February 2019
U of C conference encourages women to speak up
Calgary Eyeopener in 2016
A conference at the University of Calgary is calling on women to speak up and contribute to public discourse. Shari Graydon, the founder of advocacy group “Informed Opinions,” joined in studio to discuss the issue.
Women in news appear infrequently as experts: ex-journalist
On the Coast, CBC News 28 October 2015
A group that works to give women stronger voices in the media says women need to claim the spotlight and stop declining media requests.

New tool tracks gender representation in Canadian news sources
By Steph Wechsler 04 February 2019
Women are quoted one-third as often as men in Canadian news stories, says a resource centre dedicated to closing the gap, as it unveils a new project to monitor the discrepancy.
New database seeks to amplify women’s voices in the media
By Michael Ott 30 March 2019
“We couldn’t find any expert women,” cannot be an excuse.
Discussion on The Agenda: when it comes to gender representation in media, do we need binders full of women?
By Belinda Alzner 2012
When Mitt Romney made his now-infamous “binders full of women” comment during the second U.S. Presidential debate back in October, the Internet latched on.
Five Questions for Shari Graydon
By Lauren McKeon 2011
Much has been made over the lack of women’s bylines in the opinion pages, but what about the number of women pontificators?

Just the Facts Ma’am: A New Gender Gap Tracker Will Reveal Some Hard Truths
By Fateema Sayani 04 February 2019
In our 2019 Bold Ideas series, we talked about intersectionality in the world of impact. A central tenet to addressing imbalances in our organizations and our work is about shifting the power.

Tracking the gender gap in Canadian media
By Maite Toboada and Fatemeh Torabi Asr 03 February 2019
“I believe that all voices are equal and deserving of equal respect.” That’s what Siri responds when asked if she is a feminist.

Gender parity in columns could be, will be better
By Craig and Marc Kielburger 04 March 2018
Last month, science writer Ed Yong announced in The Atlantic that he’d spent two years consciously trying to level the gender balance in his stories, ensuring the sources with whom he spoke represented the whole talent pool.

Monsef, marches, misogyny – where do women go now?
By Christina Spencer 27 January 2017
Infused with the heady spirit of the March on Washington/Ottawa/Vancouver/Toronto and so on last weekend, millions of women are now wondering how to keep the momentum going.

Conversations that Matter: For women in media, it’s still a Man’s world
By Stu McNish 08 April 2017
This week’s Conversation That Matters features Shari Graydon of Informed Opinions, which strives to amplify women’s voices to ensure women’s perspectives and priorities play an equal role in Canadian society.

We need more women’s voices in the news: Public Editor
By Kathy English 17 November 2017
The voices of women matter. But the fact is they are not represented equally in the news.
Where are women’s opinions?
By Kathy English 23 September 2011
Why do the voices of women account for — at best — a fifth of the opinions expressed on the op-ed pages of this and other major Canadian daily newspapers?

Another dreadful reason some women don’t want to do TV
By Steve Paiken 15 December 2017
The world has been plunged lately into a much-needed conversation about the appalling behaviour of some powerful men toward women.
Are “Binders Full of Women” Needed?
28 November 2012
If women are half of Ontario’s population, why are they underrepresented in the media?

When it comes to women in media, let’s #AskHerMore
By Rachel Giese 02 March 2016
Women make up slightly more than half the Canadian population, but in media we are responsible for roughly a quarter of the expertise, insight and viewpoints.

Expert in communication and gender issues visits UDP
April 2016
Conversamos con la fundadora de “Informed Opinions”, organización que trabaja amplificando las voces de mujeres en medios. Estuvo en Chile invitada por la Embajada de Canadá y Hay Mujeres (We talked with the founder of “Informed Opinions”)
By Natalia Del Campo 05 April 2016
¿Por qué las mujeres nos restamos de las conversaciones públicas?

Women experts weigh in on U.S election, gender issues in public life
By Valerie Fortney 21 October 2016
She couldn’t look away, although at times she wished she would.

The double standard women face in politics and business
By Leah Eichler 29 October 2016
This U.S. election season, if nothing else, has solidified Internet memes as our present-day protest art.

Shari Graydon talks about vocal fry on CP24
05 August 2015
Counting Canada’s Women Political Columnists on One Hand
By Jenn Jeffreys 20 August 2015
It’s not every day you see a journalist called a “piece of shit.”

Women missing from university leadership
By Melissa Sundardas 21 June 2013
While the number of women enrolled in higher education and hired as staff in universities is rising worldwide, the pace of this change and shift in attitude toward women leaders of universities is not happening quickly enough.

Non-profit group relaunches campaign for gender neutral national anthem
By Andy Radia 25 June 2013
The debate about a gender-neutral national anthem has been in hiatus for the past couple of years — at least in the public sphere.

Speaking out – Women academics (not) in the media
By Karen MacGregor 29 June 2013
Research in Canada has revealed that although women make up a growing proportion of the academy, including in senior positions, men’s voices still outnumber women’s in the media by four to one.

Female Media, Fully Clothed
By Laura Beeston 31 January 2012
A cursory scan of Canadian daily newspapers will reveal some bleak statistics on gender parity today, as women’s perspectives—as both newsmakers and sources—make up only about 20 per cent of all voices being quoted or reported on.

Improving women’s participation in the public discourse
01 February 2012
Research shows that female academic experts are seriously under-represented in the media, and this means that readers often lack a broader perspective on an issue, says a former journalist who monitors and studies female representation in the media.

Shari Graydon on Studio 4
09 February 2012

Look Who’s Talking? Shari Graydon and Informed Opinions
By Al Etmanksi 06 March 2011
Look who’s talking? Men.

Shari Graydon’s op eds