Effective Communication
February 21st, 2017
Once upon a time it was possible to claim with confidence: Nobody likes a braggart. Now you have to qualify the statement: “unless he’s a billionaire, promising to turn the clock back to the 1950s, and Russian hackers are spreading fake news stories about his female opponent.” It was crushing for many women to be […]
read more...How to get others to recognize your brilliance – without bragging
Effective Communication
August 3rd, 2015
I’m ashamed to say that I’ve been battling my yoga teacher for months. She’s personally warm and professionally competent — but I can’t actually hear her. Especially at the start and end of every class, her soft-spoken voice is barely audible, even when I’m seated front row centre. (I would read her lips, but my […]
read more...Speaking While Female
Master Media Engagement
July 11th, 2011
Television’s day may be waning, but it served me well in the late 1990s – both generating attention to issues I cared about, and enhancing my status among the students I taught. Hired to teach writing and presentation skills to recalcitrant turf management and accounting students (who had chosen their career paths in part so […]
read more...Media exposure boosts classroom cred