Improve your Writing
March 28th, 2011
There’s nothing like the inspiration of anger to fuel a frenzy of word-spilling; fury is a page-filler, tried and true. But emotional momentum only takes you so far. The synapses that fire when you’re worked up and spewing guts aren’t always the same ones needed to ensure that the argument you’re making is clear and […]
read more...Gut-spilling and the value of sober second thought
Improve your Writing
March 28th, 2011
The dilemma is often an unconscious one: you’ve laboured over the text of your commentary (or letter, or website) and now you’re looking for feedback: do you send it to your mom? Your best friend? Your assistant? The people who either love you unconditionally, agree with you always, or think you’re brilliance personified? Absolutely, if […]
read more...Feel-good feedback no substitute for good editing advice
Improve your Writing
January 27th, 2011
An avid reader with too much pride to ever have invested in the Coles Notes of anything, I nevertheless appreciate it when someone smart effectively encapsulates the essentials of a course, degree or philosophy in a 1,000-word treatise. So I heartily salute Guardian journalist Tim Radford for not only writing, but posting online his “Manifesto […]
read more...10 minutes to more readable writing