Surveiller, faire croire et punir: The Body of Evidence in Luis Rafael Sánchez’s La pasión según Antígona Pérez
Published by Latin American Theatre Review
2012 A Foucauldian reading of Luis Rafael Sánchez’s play La pasión según Antígona Pérez reveals the importance of the body as a site of punishment as well as of propagandistic strategies in the manipulation of public opinion in the imaginary state of Molina.
Representación del otro o auto representación?: el caso del Genovés liberal
Published by Artifara
2011 Este trabajo toma en consideración el rol de los valores dominantes que se reflejan en el escenario de una de las obras menos conocidas de Lope de Vega, El genovés liberal. Si por un lado la escena de dicha comedia invita al espectador a entrar en su realidad ficticia, a vivir la ilusión de viajar en el espacio y en el tiempo hasta llegar a Génova en el año 1507, en el fondo, como en un espejo, se reflejan las relaciones de poder y los valores de la época.
Maternal Momoirs in Contemporary Italy
Published by intervalla
2016 In a social context such as Italy, dominated by hyper-sexualised images of women, maternal representations have undergone significant though ambiguous transmutations.
(Post)Feminist Maternal Chronicles and Their Discontents
Published by Letras Femeninas
2015 This essay reads the conflict, ambivalence, and guilt that pervades what I call "maternal chronicles" - a heterogeneous set of autobiographical texts centering on the experience of mothering - as symptomatic of the postfemenist turn in Spanish society.
As a cultural comparativist, Dr. Bettaglio's research focuses on contemporary Spanish and Italian cultural studies with a gender perspective. Her international educational background, which includes a Laurea in Lingue (110 e lode), an MA in Comparative Cultural Studies (OSU) and a PhD in Hispanic Studies (SUNY Buffalo), coupled with studies in Spain, England, and Belgium, allows her to pursue transnational and interdisciplinary research on a variety of topics. Bettaglio has written on high and popular culture, on canonical authors such as Lope de Vega, Pirandello, and Montale, and on contemporary Spanish and Italian writers, journalists, cultural commentators, and bloggers, such as Carme Riera, Almudena Grandes, Lucía Etxebarria, Luis Rafael Sánchez, and Isabel García Zarza, and Massimo Carlotto. She has presented papers at international conferences in Europe, Latin America, and North America. Bettaglio is the secretary for the Canadian Association for Italian Studies and serves on the board of referees for the Italian journal Educazione Linguistica/ Language Education, Ca' Foscari, Venice. She set up a study abroad programme in Urbino, and has volunteered at international book festivals (Caldonazzo, Italy). She is currently conducting research on gender, postfeminism, and mothering studies in contemporary Spanish and Italian culture.
Additional Titles and Affiliations
Canadian Society for Italian Studies
Past Talks
Translation, Intertextuality, and Creation: Natalia Ginzburg and Carmen Martín Gaite
Regional Identities on a Global Scale: Translation, Audience, Reception
Vancouver, BC, March 31, 2016