Why do networks matter?
Associate Professor Tiziana Casciaro of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada, discusses the importance of professional networks and how they are different for men and women.
Excellence in Teaching - Professor Tiziana Casciaro
Tiziana Casciaro, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Rotman School, discusses the high level of teaching at the School. Part of the University of Toronto, the Rotman School ( is ranked in the top 10 worldwide for research, according to the Financial Times.
2015 Outstanding Publication in OB - Interview with Tiziana Casciaro
The science behind salary negotiations
HRD Singapore, May 31, 2016Online
Jayanth Narayanan, associate professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, pointed to a study headed by Tiziana Casciaro at the University of Toronto that looked at the qualities that people really cared about when selecting others to work with...
Tips on Overcoming That Dirty Feeling About Networking
The American Lawyer, June 9, 2016Online
Despite this, lawyers get all prudish about networking. "You feel moral contamination because you know in your heart it is exploitative and selfish," explains Tiziana Casciaro of University of Toronto, one of the study's authors. "They feel so impure that they literally wish to take a shower." She adds, "we are more moral than we think we are."...
The future of leadership is a woman’s business
The Globe and Mail, May 26, 2016Online
It’s been a frustratingly slow journey for women in business leadership. Despite the advancement – even dominance – of women in an increasing variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees, and in the work force (including managerial occupations), women continue to be severely underrepresented in business leadership positions. The higher the leadership level, the fewer the women, whether it’s in corporations, professional services firms or entrepreneurial ventures...
Networking doesn’t have to feel phony
SFGate, April 27, 2016Online
We are all familiar with the importance of networking as well as the awkwardness of feeling as though you need too. Researchers Tiziana Casciaro, Francesca Gina and Maryam Kouchaki conducted numerous studies regarding networking, and found that professionals who view networking as distasteful and avoided the activity all together had less billable hours than their peers...
Learn to Love Networking With 4 Easy Tricks
Glamour, April 28, 2016Online
"We hear this all the time from executives, other professionals, and MBA students," writes Harvard University professor Francesca Gino and her research partners, Tiziana Casciaro and Maryam Kouchaki, in the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review. "They tell us that networking makes them feel uncomfortable and phony—even dirty."...
The Integration of Psychological and Network Perspectives in Organizational Scholarship
Published by Organization Science
2015 Although multiple disciplines have been applied to the study of organizations, organizational research is rarely interdisciplinary in the sense of two or more disciplines being linked in the joint analysis of organizational phenomena. The articles in this special issue illustrate the kinds of insights that can be gained by moving from a purely disciplinary perspective on organizational behavior to an interdisciplinary perspective that considers network phenomena and psychological phenomena as intertwined in organizational life. ...
The Contaminating Effects of Building Instrumental Ties How Networking Can Make Us Feel Dirty
Published by Administrative Science
2014 In this paper, we examine the consequences of social networking for an individual's morality, arguing that the content and approach of networking have different implications for how a person feels during the development and maintenance of social ties. We focus in particular on professional-instrumental networking: the purposeful creation of social ties in support of task and professional goals. Unlike personal networking in pursuit of emotional support or friendship, and unlike social ties that emerge spontaneously, instrumental ...
Love Me or Hate Me: Exploring Controversial Sociometric Status
Published by Leading Through Conflict
2016 Research on sociometric status among youth and adolescents offers a new framework within which to explore outcomes for individuals who are at the center of conflict in the groups and organizations to which they belong. In particular, individuals who are both well-liked and disliked—so-called controversials—may occupy a unique and previously unrecognized role in organizational life. In this chapter, we explore controversial sociometric status. Drawing mainly upon psychological and organizational research, we consider ...
Learn to love networking
Published by Harvard Business Review
2016 “I hate networking.” It's a familiar refrain. But in today's world, networking is a necessity—and fortunately, an aversion to it can be overcome. Drawing on laboratory experiments and on studies at a large law firm, the authors have identified four strategies that can help people become more excited about and effective at building relationships...
Affective primacy in intraorganizational task networks
Published by Organization Science
2014 To better understand the role of affect in organizational task-related networks, we developed a theory of affective primacy that identifies cognitive and motivational mechanisms through which the affective value of a social relationship (a feeling of positive affect from interactions with a colleague) operates as an antecedent of perceived instrumental value (a subjective evaluation of a relationship's contribution to accomplishing assigned tasks). We tested this theory with full-network data collected over three years from employees in a small ...
Tiziana Casciaro is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Rotman School of Management and the holder of the Professorship in Leadership Development at the University of Toronto. Casciaro's research focus is on professional networks, power dynamics, and organizational change. Her work has appeared in top academic journals in management and in the Harvard Business Review, and has been featured in the Economist, the Financial Times, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Huffington Post, USA Today, the Times of London, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Fortune and TIME magazine. Casciaro serves as a speaker and an adviser to corporations and professional and financial services firms on leadership development, talent management, and professional networking. A native of Italy, Casciaro received her B.A. in Business Administration from Bocconi University in Milan, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Organization Science and Sociology from Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining U of T, she served on the faculty of the Harvard Business School.
Outstanding Publication in Organizational Behavior Award | Professional
Awarded by the Academy of Management, OB Division
Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching | Professional
Awarded by the Rotman School of Management