Dr. Brynn Winegard
Keynote Speaker & Business-Brain Expert (Marketing, Retail), DrBrynn.com
Dr. Brynn L. Winegard is a professor, expert, and speaker in business-brain sciences. A business person and entrepreneur, Winegard looks at business phenomena through the lens of social and brain sciences in order to gain a deeper understanding of how and why things work or manifest the way they do. What are shoppers really looking for? What do consumers really want from producers? How can we use insights from the social and brain sciences to be better at our jobs and in our lives - be better leaders, sales people, engagers, managers, be more successful?
Contact Brynn to gain a deeper understanding - and therefore better insights - of the business phenomena you are considering, looking at, or investigating.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn Winegard
Dr. Brynn Winegard is an award-winning professor, speaker, and writer. Brynn completed her formal education at the Schulich School of Business (MBA, PhD) in business and McMaster University in Neuroscience and Psychology. After over a decade in corporate marketing working for Pfizer Inc., Nestle Inc., and Johnson & Johnson Inc, Brynn has dedicated herself to speaking about ‘Building Better Business Brains’ to groups, organizations, and companies, stemming from her research, which combines neuroscience and management phenomena (‘neuromanagement’).
To learn more visit http://drbrynn.com/
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn on The Aging Brain: Maintaining Accuracy, Relevance and Productivity throughout Your Career
Exploring how the brain changes over the course of a life and career; how brains are different later in life; the changes that lead to friction/lack of understanding between older and younger workers; what to do to slow the neural aging process, and common cognitive errors and pitfalls of aging brains and managers. Dr. Winegard offers up a primer on the neuro-cognitive changes to expect during semi-and full-retirement.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn on Subconscious Success Secrets: Unleashing Power of Your Subconscious Brain
Success Secrets: The Power of Your Subconscious Brain
To be successful in anything— be it getting a promotion, losing weight, getting fit, feeling happier, being more successful, or making more, we have to train the subconscious brain to believe, envision, and manifest our intentions.
Your subconscious brain does 90% of neural processing, 95% of decision-making, and includes all the social and emotional centres that drive your beliefs, attitudes, decisions, actions, and behavior.
You become tomorrow what your subconscious brain believed and processed today. Recent insights from neuroscience can help explain how to access, ‘communicate’ with, and control not just the subconscious mind, but the workings of the subconscious brain. Dr. Winegard will show audiences how to harness its power in order to manifest life goals and intentions.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn on Brain Secrets for Better Sales: Persuasion & Influence
In this keynote, Dr. Brynn L. Winegard describes the brain science secrets of persuasion and influence: the tricks that ours and others' brains can and do play on us to create compliance in all we do--at home, at work, and in our everyday lives--whether we intended it or not.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn on Neuroleadership
In this keynote, Dr. Brynn L. Winegard describes the principles of 'Neuroleadership', the use of brain science to improve leadership skills and develop a more engaged followership.
Good leaders are skilled at attracting and energizing a followership—these are skills that are latent in most of us and can certainly be taught, according to the tenants of ‘neuroleadership’. Developing yourself as an effective leader in this vain requires a solid grasp of human psychology, emotional intelligence, as well as the neural and cognitive factors that really engage, mobilize, and energize people.
“Being a better leader and galvanizing your followership lives inside you—you just have to learn to activate the cognitive levers, triggers, and signals that people respond to.”
Looking through the lens of neuroleadership’s SCARF model (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness) which defines the five domains of social experience that activate strong threats and rewards in the brain, leaders can gain a better understanding of how to develop themselves based on their areas of strength and weakness.
Combining insights from the brain science of persuasion and influence, participants learn about the social, emotional, subconscious, and non-rational ways both leaders and their followership process information and make decisions ultimately—especially and including during times of stress, strife, or rapid change. Learning how to effectively and skillfully manage social threat, pain, and reward perceptions in others is the hallmark of good leaders.
In order to be able to do this effectively, increasingly leaders will have to have a better understanding of their own and their followers’ human brain in order to be able to effectively lead, engage, energize, and mobilize others through our increasingly highly dynamic, ever-changing, and turbulent reality.
This presentation will help audiences build a better brain for business. Dr. Winegard takes lessons from neuroscience to help audiences develop themselves as leaders. She also informs audiences how they can energize and mobilize their followership through cognitive triggers. Audiences will learn how to identify natural strengths and weaknesses, as both leaders and followers.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Brynn on "Brain Science of Motivation and Productivity"
In this keynote, Dr. Brynn L. Winegard discusses the brain science behind how to get from a 'surviving' or even 'striving' mindset into a 'thriving' one.
Learn the brain science secrets of motivation: how to stop procrastinating and finally do the things you have been putting off; how to 'get up and go' even when you don't feel like it; the steps you need to take to have more energy and motivation throughout your day; how to be more productive; how to set your brain, self, and day up for success.
Combining frontier brain and business sciences, Dr. Brynn L. Winegard entertains, educates, and excites audiences with how to bring out their best self--and best brain--toward better productivity, motivation, brain function, and satisfaction.
Retail Tricks: A Brain-Based Grocery Store Makeover
CBC MarketplaceTelevision
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Rhf5YJE80
Dr. Brynn works with Marketplace team to make-over a real grocery store, using principles from brain science. Every category went up 20%, and the brain scans show an overall lift for the store.
Tricks and tips for what to watch out for in retail.
Old and Grey Matter
URL: http://tvo.org/video/programs/the-agenda-with-steve-paikin/old-and-grey-matter
Steve Paikin interviews Dr. Brynn about The Aging Brain in the Workforce and what we can do to stay healthy, accurate, relevant, and productive throughout our careers.
Brain Science of Buying: Pleasing Your Consumer's Mind
by Dr. Brynn
Published by DrBrynn.com
URL: http://www.drbrynn.com/articles/pleasing-consumer-brains-to-keep-making-the-buy-decision-in-retail
Brain Science of Buying: Persuading Your Consumer's Mind
by Dr. Brynn
Published by DrBrynn.com
Brain Science of Buying: Priming Your Consumer's Mind
by Dr. Brynn
Published by DrBrynn.com
Selling to Women: Some Brain-Based Insights
by Dr. Brynn
Published by DrBrynn.com
Dr. Brynn Winegard is an award-winning professor, speaker, and expert. Winegard completed her
formal education in Neuroscience, Psychology, Marketing, and Strategy (HSBc, MBA, PhD), coupled with over a decade in corporate marketing working for Pfizer Inc., Nestle Inc., and Johnson & Johnson Inc. While Winegard retains positions as Faculty at Schulich School of Business, DeGroote School of Business, and University of Guelph, she has now dedicated herself to helping others through speaking about ‘Building Better Business Brains’ to groups, organizations and companies, stemming from her research, which combines business and brain sciences. Winegard combines real-world experience with frontier research to deliver impactful programming that will be sure to please your audiences and elevate their daily business.
Clients are some of the world's top companies and organizations: visit DrBrynn.com to see a more complete client list.
When Winegard isn't speaking, she is a regularly featured expert in television, radio, and print. For recent media appearances, please see drbrynn.com/media.