Jo Welch

Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, Dalhousie University

Bones and nutrition, Bones and exercise, Health benefits of sports, Obesity remediation, Bone imaging



Jo Welch's PhD is in nutrition and her nutritional interests lie in the connection between nutrition and health. These interests include skeletal development, vitamin D, mineral metabolism, osteoporosis, falls in older people, obesity and eating disorders. She teaches the Human Nutrition course at Dalhousie, which focuses on the effects of nutrition on health. She teaches applications of exercise physiology within the Kinesiology program. Her interests include the health benefits of exercise, exercise facilitation and adherence, and performance improvements in all levels of exercisers. Her research focuses on how growing skeletons develop greater strength, methods to retain or increase strength in bones, and how fractures can be prevented. The latter topic includes gaining and retaining muscle strength and function.


  • Bones and nutrition
  • Bones and exercise
  • Health benefits of sports
  • Obesity remediation
  • Bone imaging