Dr. Sonia Kang

Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and HR Management and Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of Toronto Mississauga

Diversity, stereotypes, stigma, discrimination, prejudice



Dr. Sonia Kang is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management in the Department of Management, and Canada Research Chair in Identity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University of Toronto Mississauga, and holds a cross-appointment to the Organizational Behaviour and HR Management area at Rotman. Her research focuses on understanding the development, experience, and reduction of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination in order to capitalize on the potential benefits of diversity for individuals and organizations. She is particularly interested in the experience and effects of prejudice and discrimination, and examines these phenomena across the lifespan, from childhood to old age. Some of her previous research projects have examined the development of stigma consciousness among children, behavioural and neural effects of stigma and stereotype threat on adults, and the consequences of stereotype threat on the cognitive performance of older adults. Kang's research has been published in journals including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and has been featured in media outlets such as The Globe and Mail and The Atlantic.


  • Diversity
  • Prejudice
  • Barriers to and methods for optimizing diversity
  • Discrimination
  • Experience and effects of prejudice and discrimination
  • Stigma
  • Stereotypes