Dr. Evelyn Forget

Professor, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Basic Income, Social Assistance, Precarious Work, Poverty


Evelyn Forget, economist, summarizing the results of 70s basic income experiment

Evelyn Forget, economist, summarizing the results of her research into the Canadian Mincome experiment from the 70s.

Mincome was an experimental Canadian guaranteed annual income project that was held in Manitoba, during the 1970s.

Pandemic proves it's time for basic income for all, economists say

CERB proves it’s time for basic income, says economist

How a Basic Income Plan Could Save Lives in a Pandemic


Evelyn Forget is a health economist with a special focus on the social determinants of health, including the health impact of poverty and government policies.


  • Basic Income
  • Social Assistance
  • Precarious Work
  • Poverty