Zoe Share

CEO, Schmooz Media LTD

Social media, social marketing, SEO, content creation, referrals, retention, collaboration


Zoe Share of Schmooz Media on Social Media Marketing

Zoe Share, founder and CEO of Schmooz Media talks about social media marketing. As well as learning how to be effective on social media you'll be surprised to learn where it's heading. In this video Zoe shares her tips on how to grow your business, what are the mistakes people make, and how can you be the most effective?

Zoe Share is a former teacher with a Masters in Business from the University of Waterloo. Zoe and her team deeply value the transformative power of learning from community to help your business to succeed. At Schmooz, a love of connecting people to great ideas is matched by a passion for ethical business, transparency and best practices.

The Schmoozers are made up of creative problem solvers who specialize on working with businesses in the healthcare, education and professional service space. Zoe and her team aim to fill the gaps with reliable service and an excitement about helping you to make stronger relationships with customers and employees through online strategies.


Zoe Share is the CEO of a social marketing agency that creates strategies and ongoing content for purpose-driven businesses who want to create impact in the long run.


  • content creation
  • Social media
  • social marketing
  • SEO
  • referrals
  • retention
  • collaboration