Ornela Thieba

Vice President, Women Owned Narratives

immigration, motherhood, mental health wellness, intersectionality, innovation and research, culture, international relations, storytelling



Ornela Thieba is a well-travelled immigrant from Burkina Faso, now a proud Canadian citizen. Fluent in both French and English, she brings a global perspective and an understanding of the changing world. Thieba studied international relations with a minor in development studies and sustainability at the University of Calgary, where she was an active student. Thieba worked as a program officer in the public service at Immigration Refugees Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Her experience in the public sector has given her valuable insights into immigration and citizenship processes. Not only dedicated to her professional pursuits, Thieba has also founded and served on various nonprofit boards. Currently, she is involved with Women Owned Narratives, a platform that shares the stories of women from different backgrounds and walks of life, providing them with validation and support on their journeys. As a recent mother, Thieba offers valuable advice to young women and advocates for mental health and wellness. Her passion for writing extends to various genres, including short stories, fiction, and children's books. Thieba is a fan of pop culture phenomenons and keeps herself informed on the latest research and innovation.


  • immigration
  • motherhood
  • mental health wellness
  • intersectionality
  • innovation and research
  • culture
  • international relations
  • storytelling