Caring for the Caregivers
The challenges of providing care for loved ones during the pandemic. Suggestions re: finding support and assistance when isolation is required. Reminding listeners of the need to support caregivers during these very difficult times.
Caring for Ourselves during COVID-19
Talking with Seniors about the challenges of self-isolation and quarantine. Offering support and suggestions for caring for ourselves during the pandemic.
Hot Talks on Health 2016 -- Caregivers: Lessons from the UK, Opportunities for Ontario
The United Kingdom is a leader in recognizing the role of caregivers within the health care system. With the recent caregiver legislation, The Change Foundation invited Heléna Herklots, Chief Executive of CarersUK, to address Ontario policy makers, health leaders, and family caregivers on what steps have been taken to better support carers in the UK, and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead. This video is a recording from April 27, 2016 and features a keynote address form Ms. Herklots, as well as a response from family caregiver and author Katherine Arnup, and a Q&A panel discussion. For more information, please contact The Change Foundation (
End of Life University, January 25, 2018Radio/Podcast
Katherine talks with Dr. Karen Wyatt, hospice physician, author, and founder of End of Life University, about what she's learned in her many years as a hospice volunteer.
CBC Ottawa Morning, May 4, 2015, May 4, 2015Radio/Podcast
Katherine was interviewed about her new book, "I don't have time for this!" Caring for Your Parents and Yourself.
University of Toronto Press
May 1, 1993
An examination of the changing advice for mothers from 1900 to 1960, with a focus on pregnancy, birth, and child rearing. Using a tremendous range of archival sources, published advice manuals, and interviews with mothers, Arnup illuminates the dramatic changes in expert advice and the impact of those changes on mothers themselves.
Resources for Feminist Documentation
March 1, 1983
Special lesbian issue. Contains important essays, annotated bibliography, etc. Contributors include Nancy Adamson, D.D. Taylor, Jeri Wine, Nicole Brosard, Elizabeth Brady, Louise H. Forsyth, Karla Jay, Barbara Godard, Frances Rooney, Mary Meigs, Gay Bell, Jane Rule and many others.
Gynergy Books
May 1, 1995
The perfect primer for lesbian parents, and a helpful resource for their families and friends, this book includes a theoretical perspective as well as the personal experiences of lesbians and their children.

"I don't have time for this": A compassionate guide to caring for your parents and yourself.
by Katherine Arnup PhD
Life Changes Press
April 9, 2015
“An invaluable resource for all of us with aging parents”
“I don’t have time for this!” provides a roadmap for the journey into aging, illness, and dying that we will all travel—ourselves and the people we love. With gentle persuasion and moving stories from her family, her clients, and her years as a hospice volunteer, Dr. Katherine Arnup shows how to overcome the fear of aging and loss so we can show up for the challenges in our lives.
You will discover:
• the ways to begin essential conversations with your parents—before it’s too late!
• the tools you need to survive and thrive as a caregiver
• the keys to releasing guilt and regret
• the joy that’s possible when you stop running from your life
• the secret to asking for and receiving help
• the rewards of being present with the people you love during the final chapter of their lives
“Dr. Arnup deftly melds stories from her personal and professional experience to provide practical guidance and sound counsel. I don’t have time for this! is an invaluable resource for all of us with aging parents.” —Ira Byock, MD, author of Dying Well and The Best Care Possible
“An important missing link for those seeking information and support on caring for elderly parents. Far more than a checklist of financial and healthcare issues to cover, it provides the compassionate companionship families need to make this journey together with love, courage, and humanity." —Susan Piver, author of The Wisdom of a Broken Heart and Thee Hard Questions for Adult Children and Their Aging Parents
Katherine Arnup has written extensively on sexuality, marriage, motherhood, and child rearing. Author of the award-winning book Education for Motherhood, a history of advice for mothers, she has pioneered studies on the diversity and complexity of family life. In this beautifully written, deeply personal book, she tackles the last taboo—death itself
Family Perspectives: Death and Dying in Canada
by Dr. Katherine Arnup
Published by Vanier Institute of the Family
May 7, 2018
In this major study, released on May 7, 2018, Katherine examines the history, major trends, and current realities of death and dying in Canada. She considers the shift of death and dying from home and community to hospital and professionals, and examines the impact of that shift on families in Canada.
Victims of Vaccination? Opposition to Compulsory Immunization in Ontario
Published by Canadian Bulletin of Medical History
Raising the Dionne Quintuplets: Lessons for Modern Mothers
Published by Journal of Canadian Studies
Lessons in Death and Dying
Published by Journal of Palliative Care
Published by Hektoen International: A Journal of Medical Humanities
Finding Fathers: Artificial Insemination, Lesbians, and the Law
Published by Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
And a time to die
Published by Hektoen International: A Journal of Medical Humanities,
"We are Family": Lesbian Mothers in Canada.
Published by Resources for Feminist Research
Katherine Arnup is a writer, life coach, speaker, hospice volunteer, and retired Carleton University professor. She is a renowned expert on Death and Dying in Canada. An historian by training, she has written extensively on the history of motherhood, child rearing, marriage and the family. She is the author of Education for Motherhood: Advice for Mothers in Twentieth Century Canada, a prize-winning examination of the ideology and experience of motherhood. Arnup has written and published numerous articles on lesbian and gay parenting. She is currently engaged in a comparative study of same-sex marriage in the United States and Canada. She is the author of a book about caring for her sister and her parents as they were dying – “I don’t have time for this!” A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Your Parents and Yourself. She recently completed a major study on Family Perspectives: Death and Dying in Canada. She also volunteers in a residential hospice, providing end of life care, and she is writing a book on death and dying.
Writing Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
February 2014, March – April 2015, March 2016
Writing Fellowship, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (value: $2625.00)
May 2008
Letter of Distinction, Humber School of Writers
Post-Graduate Program in Creative Writing August 2009
Honourable Mention, City of Ottawa 55+ short story and memoir contest
April 2011
Book Selection, Virginia Festival of the Book, Charlottesville Virginia
March 2016
Past Talks
Caring for the ones we love
Keynote Speech
Beechwood Ottawa, October 15, 2017
Caring for the Ones We Love, Caring for Ourselves
Pastoral Care Workshop
St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ottawa, February 4, 2017
What does it mean to care?
St. James Church, Fenelon Falls
Ontario, ON., May 12, 2016
The Final Taboo: Talking about Death and Dying
Bereavement Ontario Network
Orillia, ON., October 14, 2016
The Journey of Aging
Colonel by Retirement Residence
Ottawa, ON., April 6, 2016
My caregiving journey
Hot Talks on Health, invited presentation by the Change Foundation
Toronto, ON., April 27, 2016
Learning to Care
Good Companions Centre
Toronto, ON., May 4, 2016