Informed Opinions amplifies the voices of women and gender-diverse people to ensure their experiences, ideas and insights help shape a more equitable, inclusive and democratic Canada.

To build a Canada where the perspectives and priorities of women and gender-diverse people influence every important decision that gets made.

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Dr. Christine Chambers

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Children's Pain & Professor of Pediatrics & Psychology/Neuroscience | Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre

Partnerships, Patient Engagement, Knowledge, Translation/Mobilization, Social Media, Psychosocial Factors, Psychology, Pedatric Psychology, Pediatric Pain, Pain, Pain Assessment and Measurement, Family Factors, Clinical Research Methods, Chronic Pain, Acute Pain

Dr. Anabela Bonada

Manager and Research Associate | Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, University of Waterloo

climate adaptation, wildfire, extreme heat, flooding, climate change, climate resilience

Merran Smith

President | New Economy Canada

Energy policy, climate policy, climate change, clean energy, conservation, climate solutions

Mei Lan Fang

Research Associate | Simon Fraser University

Ambulatory adults, Low income senior housing, Vancouver housing crisis, Public health, End of life care, Social and health inequities, Ethnicity and migration

Sheryl Staub-French

Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering | The University of British Columbia

Associate Professor and Goldcorp Professor for Women in Engineering at the University of British Columbia