Diversity Belonging + Inclusion and Our Advocacy Work
August 23rd, 2022
When Lisa Laflamme’s predecessor Lloyd Robertson signed off CTV’s nightly broadcast, he used to say, “And that’s the kind of day it’s been.” Which — to someone invested in media literacy — seemed inadvertently misleading. Because journalism, even at its best, is still a series of subjective decisions, every one of which is influenced by […]
read more...If it can happen to Lisa Laflamme… (and what you can do)
Increase Your Impact as a Speaker and Presenter
December 22nd, 2020
A woman once told me about having attended her thesis supervisor’s presentation at an academic conference. It took him almost 20 minutes to read his research paper aloud. When he looked up at the end, she was the only one remaining. Everyone else had bailed from sheer boredom — and he hadn’t even noticed. (She […]
read more...How to reduce your dependency on speaking notes
Increase Your Impact as a Speaker and Presenter
May 25th, 2018
Why would 80 women who spend most of their working hours talking to people from the front of a room be nervous enough about their speaking ability to sign up for a presentation skills workshop? I asked myself this the first time the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) hired me to deliver such workshops. […]
read more...Women need to let go of perfectionism: it’s the enemy of good (and of engagement)
Increase Your Impact as a Speaker and Presenter
April 18th, 2018
I’m speaking to a select group of rising star business women. In mid-sentence, I pause to pull off my suddenly too-warm jacket as I smile and murmur “hot flash”. At the end of my talk, the marketing VP of a major credit card company approaches. “You’re so authentic,” she exclaims. “That really works for your […]
read more...On Personal Branding, Being Authentic, and Avoiding Irrelevancy