Diversity Belonging + Inclusion and Our Advocacy Work
August 23rd, 2022
When Lisa Laflamme’s predecessor Lloyd Robertson signed off CTV’s nightly broadcast, he used to say, “And that’s the kind of day it’s been.” Which — to someone invested in media literacy — seemed inadvertently misleading. Because journalism, even at its best, is still a series of subjective decisions, every one of which is influenced by […]
read more...If it can happen to Lisa Laflamme… (and what you can do)
Improve your Writing
April 12th, 2017
Gloria Steinem… senior bureaucrats… somebody who funds the kind of work you do? Whose attention would you most like to attract? In recent years, Canadian women writing timely, engaging and persuasive commentary have elicited responses from all of the above. Others have sparked international conversations, investigative journalism, and a reversal of government policy. And […]
read more...Whose attention would you most like to attract?
Our Advocacy Work
October 17th, 2016
Originally published October 17 2016 on Huffington Post Donald Trump may be the best recruitment tool the women’s movement has ever had. That he remains standing as the Republican nominee for president, continuing to enjoy the support of millions of Americans, makes clear that the fight for women’s right to be respected and treated […]
read more...Trump May Be The Women’s Movements’ Best Recruitment Tool Yet