Diversity Belonging + Inclusion and Our Advocacy Work
August 23rd, 2022
When Lisa Laflamme’s predecessor Lloyd Robertson signed off CTV’s nightly broadcast, he used to say, “And that’s the kind of day it’s been.” Which — to someone invested in media literacy — seemed inadvertently misleading. Because journalism, even at its best, is still a series of subjective decisions, every one of which is influenced by […]
read more...If it can happen to Lisa Laflamme… (and what you can do)
Our Advocacy Work
December 31st, 2014
EXPLOITING CELEBRITIES How do you draw public attention to rampant discrimination against women restaurant workers? I played the celebrity card, and heightened the drama by contrasting the red carpet behaviour of Hollywood A-listers, Sandra Bullock (rooted to the spot by her heels) and Hugh Jackman (bounding down Yonge Street posing for selfies with fans). […]
read more...Mandatory High Heels and Facebook Feedback
Improve your Writing
August 23rd, 2012
Far too much research has already documented that when something goes wrong, women are highly inclined to blame the problem or setback on their own deficiencies. This tendency operates in stark contrast to men, who are more likely to blame external circumstances, regardless of the actual cause. There’s an upside to women’s default of accepting […]
read more...Most common errors made by aspiring op ed writers – part 2