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1668 + total results.

Image of Tingting Zhang

Tingting Zhang

Junior Policy Analyst | C.D. Howe Institute

Demographics and immigration, education, skills and labour market policy, Canadian healthcare, primary care, provincial healthcare, human capital policy, men's and women's employment, pay gap.

Dr. Kino Zhao

Assistant Professor | Simon Fraser University

philosophy of science, statistics, data, measurement, machine learning

Murwarid Ziayee

Senior Director | Right to Learn Afghanistan

Women and girls education in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Education for men in Afghanistan, Marginalized women and girls, Needs of Afghan women and girls, Women's participation, Public engagement

Karen Ziegler

Executive Advisor - Growth | Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC)

Karen has a unique capacity to resolve multidimensional issues and potentially catastrophic negative impacts: to untangle complexity and prioritize value added work in the oil and gas, and energy markets.

Anna Ziolecki

Director, Partners for Action | University of Waterloo

Flooding, Flood resiliency, Flood preparedness, Reduce risk of flooding, Flood mitigation, Recovery from flooding

Karen Zoppa

Instructor, Collegiate, Religion and Culture, Philosophy | University of Winnipeg

Philosophy, Ethics, Religion, Continental Philosophy, Existentialism, , Critical Theory in Religion, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel de Certeau, Jacques Derrida, Mysticism,

Joanne Zuk

Business Strategist and Coach | Joanne Zuk Leadership and Strategy

Negotiation, women's leadership, women's negotiations, salary negotiation, entrepreneur, business strategy, culture change, culture of public administration, strategy and entrepreneurs