Diversity Belonging + Inclusion and Our Advocacy Work
August 23rd, 2022
When Lisa Laflamme’s predecessor Lloyd Robertson signed off CTV’s nightly broadcast, he used to say, “And that’s the kind of day it’s been.” Which — to someone invested in media literacy — seemed inadvertently misleading. Because journalism, even at its best, is still a series of subjective decisions, every one of which is influenced by […]
read more...If it can happen to Lisa Laflamme… (and what you can do)
Diversity Belonging + Inclusion
February 10th, 2021
Do you think journalists should be compelled to quote women as often as they quote men? The proposition sounded a bit radical, even to me, back in 2014 when Edelman CEO Lisa Kimmel invited me to defend it in a public debate. Seven years on, it’s no longer a radical idea. Journalists and newsrooms across […]
read more...Should journalists quote women as often as men?
Our Advocacy Work
October 3rd, 2017
This conversation should be over: The business case for drawing on the entire talent pool is now unassailable — dozens of studies over more than two decades make clear that including women’s informed opinions makes companies more profitable, boards more effective, and research more relevant. Most people no longer accept the absence of women’s insights […]
read more...What Gets Measured Gets Done – #WGMGD