Our Advocacy Work
May 21st, 2020
Meg moved quickly behind me to close the door to her office not wanting her staff to overhear. I had showed up in advance of the MediaWatch board meeting in 1990 to let her know that even though I’d only joined the board six months previously, I would be resigning at this, my second meeting. […]
read more...Tell your mentors how much you appreciate their impact while you can
Our Advocacy Work
October 21st, 2012
The infographic below is depressingly self-explanatory — on one level. It makes clear how entrenched the gender skew is when it comes to who gets quoted in North American media. And — as MediaWatch discovered 20 years ago when we conducted a comprehensive analysis of newsmakers (those quoted or reported on) in Canadian dailies — […]
read more...Women’s voices — on women’s issues — missing in action
Master Media Engagement
July 11th, 2011
Television’s day may be waning, but it served me well in the late 1990s – both generating attention to issues I cared about, and enhancing my status among the students I taught. Hired to teach writing and presentation skills to recalcitrant turf management and accounting students (who had chosen their career paths in part so […]
read more...Media exposure boosts classroom cred