Our Advocacy Work
October 28th, 2021
The following op ed, co-authored with Prashanth Rao and Dr. Maite Taboada, appeared on Poynter‘s website on 28 October 2021. Looking for silver linings in the midst of a pandemic is fraught. But here’s one that journalists need to pay attention to: Since March 2020, news media have devoted a lot more time and space […]
read more...What do three years of data on the gender gap in news reporting tell us?
Our Advocacy Work
February 25th, 2020
In the 10 years since Informed Opinions began training women across sectors and fields to share their insights and analysis with the media, we’ve delivered almost 250 workshops to more than 3500 participants. More than half of those sessions have focused on a five-step process designed to support subject matter experts in translating their knowledge […]
read more...More women’s voices shaping Canada’s public conversations
Our Advocacy Work
January 9th, 2020
Is patience still a virtue? When teaching kids, or walking behind those forced by age or disability to slow down, absolutely. But as Australia burns, and bellicose men on either side of the world threaten war, I feel with greater urgency than ever that change can’t happen quickly enough. My partner would tell you that […]
read more...Running to catch the light — and creating the “Transformational 20s”
Increase Your Impact as a Speaker and Presenter
December 11th, 2019
I don’t recommend crying on stage if you can avoid it. So I didn’t. But I wanted to. Last month, I got to deliver a 15-minute TED-style talk to a global leadership conference hosted by the International Women’s Forum. The IWF’s 1100-plus attendees were assembled in a cavernous Toronto hotel ballroom featuring massive screens designed […]
read more...Cry if you want to: Anatomy of a 15-minute high-stakes keynote
Our Advocacy Work
March 8th, 2019
Business people, bureaucrats and board members, researchers, equality advocates and journalists — that’s who showed up on February 4th at Ottawa’s Rideau Club for the launch of the Gender Gap Tracker. They came to celebrate the application of big data analytics to achieving gender equality in public discourse. And they stayed to watch an Informed Conversation […]
read more...Here’s what you missed…
Our Advocacy Work
February 5th, 2019
This article was originally published in The Toronto Star Could the incentivizing power of a fitness tracker be adapted to help achieve gender equality in the media, enhancing Canadian democracy in the process? After a year of collaboration with a team of big data scientists, we’re about to find out. Despite the increasing attention paid to […]
read more...Online tool gives media outlets incentive to achieve gender parity