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1651 + total results.

Sunny Wiles

Vice President | Colliers International

Real estate advisor for senior's/retirement homes and long-term care facilities

Christianne Wilhelmson

Project Lead, Biodiversity Law | Ecojustice

Whale protection, Waterfront planning, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Sewage, Salmon Aquaculture, Environmental protection, Pollution ecology, Ocean Conservation, Marine Biodiversity, Marine planning, Marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems, Habitat protection, Governance and leadership, Fresh water conservation, Environmental Policy, Ecology, Climate Change

Image of Dr. Lori Wilkinson

Dr. Lori Wilkinson

Professor of Sociology | University of Manitoba

Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods

Image of Dr. Stephanie Willerth

Dr. Stephanie Willerth

Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering | University of Victoria

Stephanie Willerth runs an internationally recognized research group focused on stem cell bioengineering.

Dr. Kimberly Williams

Associate Professor | Mount Royal University

gender-based inequities in Alberta, Calgary sex trade industry, Calgary Stampede, Sex work v. sex trafficking, Calgary history and politics, men and masculinities, feminist movements, Pets in/and disasters

Céline Williams

Executive Coach and Culture Engineer | ReVisionary

Mindset, CEO, mindset shift, leadership development, women entrepreneurs, growing business, self-development, confidence, effective communication

Image of Dr. Anne Wilson

Dr. Anne Wilson

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology | Wilfrid Laurier University

Expert in identity, time, memory, goals, inequality, and cultural norms

Joanna Wilson

Associate Professor in Environmental Physiology | McMaster University

Professor Wilson's research focuses on the evolution the effects of environmental contaminants on aquatic species

Image of Rev. Karin Wilson

Karin Wilson

Spiritual Director | Centre for Spiritual Living

Female minister, facilitator specializing in positive mental health, mindfulness, metaphysics, and the intersectionality between spirituality and current events and the role of religion in a new era.

Nancy Wilson

Founder & CEO | Canadian Women's Chamber of Commerce

Women-owned business, Women entrepreneurs, Advocacy for women entrepreneurs and business owners, Gender equality, Gender equity