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Laura Wood
Politics, Ontario municipal politics, women and politics, political campaigns
Kelly Woodhouse Falardeau
Overcome adversity, burn survivor, burn awareness, diversity and inclusion, self esteem and confidence, inspirational speaker, motivational speaker, woman speaker, author coaching
Ms. Tanya Woods
Social Innovator & Technology Entrepreneur - Founder of Kind Village Inc. ( and 3 non-profit organizations delivering education content to empower groups with a need. International Intellectual Property Law + Technology Law and Policy Expert For more than a decade, Tanya Woods has worked on intellectual property, content, privacy, contract, technology, immigration, tax, and administrative and regulatory issues for public and private entities in the UK, US and Canada. She has represented Canada as a trade negotiator and has spent the bulk of her career working with technology and entertainment industry organizations. Tanya is often invited to speak at industry events around the world, guest lecturer at universities, and has several published articles (as writer and editor) on technology and copyright issues and social impact technologies and innovation.
Ellen Woodsworth
Ellen Woodsworth is an international speaker and urban consultant on gender and intersectional planning
Dr Nancy Worth
Nancy Worth is a feminist economic geographer at the University of Waterloo. She works with young adults/millennials/genY, examining how this generation is coping with insecure work and an increasingly inaccessible housing market.
Dr. Joanne Wright
Joanne Wright's teaching interests encompass early modern British political thought as well as contemporary culture and political thought.
Jerilyn Wright
Interior design, Interior brand, Commercial interiors, Space plan optimization, Design concept development
Dr. Julia M Wright
I've published op-eds in The Globe and Mail, Inside Higher Ed, the Hill Times, the Chronicle Herald, and, as co-author, The Calgary Herald and the Globe and Mail, mostly on higher education and research. I've also published four pieces for The Conversation (one co-authored) as a scholar in Health Humanities.
Susan Wright
food insecurity, food literacy programs for kids, student nutrition, school nutrition, summer learning loss, cooking with kids, SickKids children with diabetes, body positivity for girls, food as a connector, children's health, population health, development of community gardens and urban orchards
Tarra Wright Many Chief
Indigenous tourism, business development, cultural sharing, community economic development