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1654 + total results.

Joanna Wilson

Associate Professor in Environmental Physiology | McMaster University

Professor Wilson's research focuses on the evolution the effects of environmental contaminants on aquatic species

Image of Rev. Karin Wilson

Karin Wilson

Spiritual Director | Centre for Spiritual Living

Female minister, facilitator specializing in positive mental health, mindfulness, metaphysics, and the intersectionality between spirituality and current events and the role of religion in a new era.

Nancy Wilson

Founder & CEO | Canadian Women's Chamber of Commerce

Women-owned business, Women entrepreneurs, Advocacy for women entrepreneurs and business owners, Gender equality, Gender equity

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg

Associate Professor, Human Rights Human Diversity | Wilfrid Laurier University

Immigration, Migration, Refugees, Asylum seekers, Multiculturalism, Immigrant youth, Migrants with precarious immigration status, Refugee claimants, Intercultural competence

Dr. Brynn Winegard

Keynote Speaker & Business-Brain Expert (Marketing, Retail) |

Dr. Brynn L. Winegard is a professor, expert, and speaker in business-brain sciences. A business person and entrepreneur, Winegard looks at business phenomena through the lens of social and brain sciences in order to gain a deeper understanding of how and why things work or manifest the way they do. What are shoppers really looking for? What do consumers really want from producers? How can we use insights from the social and brain sciences to be better at our jobs and in our lives - be better leaders, sales people, engagers, managers, be more successful? Contact Brynn to gain a deeper understanding - and therefore better insights - of the business phenomena you are considering, looking at, or investigating.

Dr. Catharine Winstanley

Professor, Department of Psychology; Member of the Centre for Brain Health | University of British Columbia

Psychology, Brain Mechanisms, Impulse Control, Cognitive Functions, Cognitive Dysfunctions, Brain Injury, Pharmacology, Molecular and Behavioural Neuroscience

Dr. Jennifer Winter

Professor and Scientific Director, Energy and Environmental Policy | School of Public Policy, University of Calgary

Climate policy, Energy policy, Environmental policy, Carbon pricing, Natural resource development, Public finance and the environmental consequences of resource development

Dr. Meghan Winters

Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences | Simon Fraser University

Public health, Community design, Health and transportation, Road safety, Impact of communities on public health, Bicycling, Micromobility, Transportation, Equity, Smart cities, Social connectedness (

Ellyn Winters-Robinson

CEO | The Lyndall Project & AskEllyn

breast cancer, breast health, medical misogyny, aesthetic flat closure, inclusive fashion, AI for Good, conversational AI in healthcare

Image of Dr. Sarah Wolfe

Dr. Sarah Wolfe

Professor Environment & Sustainability | Royal Roads University

water, water efficiency, water decision making and governance, geography, environment and social psychology, bottled water, climate change, floods, drought